Friday, December 27, 2013

Cooking with Children: cupcakes.

Enjoy cooking ideas for kids Answer -? Cupcakes, whether you are young or young at heart, cupcakes are loved worldwide. What more could you want. They are light, they will leave and were stained with sweet cherry cream in all kinds of flavors. They beautiful, too - if it comes with chocolate chips, chopped nuts, M & Ms or a smiling face, frostings, cupcakes, but it will make you happy. It is best cupcake is very easy to do, so they are perfect for cooking with children.
Cupcake recipe is easy for children of all kitchen and almost infallible in order to help their children and give them a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Cupcakes are also good for your creative juice flow - they have plenty of colors and flavors of the food and mix and match colors to create a masterpiece of fine culinary scene. image
Vanilla cupcakes cooking easier to offspring.
1 1/2 cups cake flour.
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup (2 sticks) butter.
2 cups white sugar
4 large eggs
1 cup milk
Vanilla extract 1 tsp.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and line a muffin pan with forms. In another bowl, beat the butter and sugar until fluffy and then beat the eggs slowly. Then, slowly add the dry ingredients with milk and vanilla. Pour the mixture into muffin cups cupcakes, bake for 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean, let cool on a rack.
Then the fun part - the icing, what's cooking with the kids start to get interesting! Prepare glaze by combining butter, vanilla based on a mixer.
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened.
6-8 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup milk
2 vanilla extract teaspoons
Add all ingredients gradually When the ice will make your kids can go wild with jazzing ice to make your cake look beautiful.
Icing is divided into five or less small bowl and their children demonstrate how to add a drop of food coloring in each cup to transform frost, white, pink, green, blue. blue and yellow icing. When you are cooking with kids step in the process, everyone has the opportunity to educate - show your child how the drops of food coloring in yellow and red drops of food coloring to make orange icing! It is an art and cooking classes as well.
Fill another bowl with a lot of different flavors such as chips, chocolate, M & Ms, sprinkles, rainbow, jams, puffed rice and cherry glaze and a little decorating your cake icing. Cream of them with a smile, Tuesday fairy, rainbow - and the more abstract images!
Cooking with kids, you never just about the bakery - he is confident about the development of creative and life skills. Always teach your children the importance of cleaning after cooking; Shows that it is fun to sing, clean and always tell them how much we appreciate your help.

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